Hurried Teacher or Slow Learning Student ???

Hurried Teacher or Slow Learning Student???


Teaching is an art and teacher is an artist who moulds each child sowing good thoughts and ideas. He brings up latent talents of child, makes child a confident, loving, happy and more so a productive responsible citizen.


A child enters into school at a very tender age with minimal exposure to out world and also not aware of his or her own inner abilities.


Teacher has tremendous responsibilities to bring out inner talents of child by understanding her way of learning, his or her aptitude, attitude and especially her level of ability.


Every child is different in level of intelligence, learning style, grasping concept, interest in subject and even studying time. In fact some learn greatly in late nights and some in early hours !!!!! some learn while music is going on and some learn while everything is silence all around.  Some learn fast while listening the material, some learn easily while reading to themselves, some learn quickly while it is being explained to others……..


But today in our existing setups of schools we are slowly forgetting individualized understanding of child and instead our focus is shifting more towards syllabus, curriculum based teaching approach.  As a teacher I always used to check myself whether I am teaching subject to complete the syllabus or to make child learn the concept.


Does a teacher really have time to think about each child in class room? If not, who will do it? Child himself is not equipped to do so. Then who will help?